How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2023

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2021

Choosing to become a digital nomad is a big step as it is a lifestyle change, rather than a step up on the career ladder. If you are ready to see the world whilst working as you go then you have chosen a great time to do it.
Due to the global pandemic an increasing number of companies are searching for virtual employees. Plus, the world of freelancing is expanding and with the help on social media more and more people are starting their own businesses.
But what do you need to do fill the gap in this market and become a digital nomad? Keep ready to be inspired and to get your started.

What is A Digital Nomad?

Before jumping in to how to be a digital nomad, what does this actually mean?
Well, simply put a digital nomad is someone who doesn´t depend on being in one specific location to work. They use the internet to perform their job and can therefore work from anywhere on the planet, provided it has WiFi.

Step 1 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Organise Your Finances

  • Before departing on your new location independent life make sure you don´t having any stress triggers hanging over you, like debt. To help with this, go online and explore all of the various calculators available. For instance, there are student loan calculators for debt accrued in college, mortgage calculators, and generalized interest payment calculators for personal loans. In addition to cancelling your debt, it is sensible to save a few months’ worth of expenses, in case of emergency.
  • Life “on the road” can be unpredictable and sometimes surprisingly expensive, so living a debt free life before it begins is the best way to start.
  • Remaining debt free also relates to the items you purchase for your nomad life. If you don´t have them already, you may need to buy a laptop, software packages, a camera or a quality backpack. Making sure that they are fully paid for before departing can prevent any setbacks.

Step 2 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Develop your Skills

  • Refine and tune the skills you need to keep your digital nomad life vibrant. This can be in the form of studying and completing courses and qualifications or working in a similar role.
  • When you are out in the world, it is probably best to work and travel, without the additional element of learning.
  • Have your skills ready to share once your bags are packed.
    Popular skills of a digital nomad are:
    -time management

Step 3 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Create Multiple Income Streams

  • Depending on one income stream is a major NO NO.
  • Relying on new customers or retaining current ones as your only source of income is risking, as they may dry up. Also, relying on an online platform that you aren´t in control of, like Facebook, Fiverr or Instagram could also be dangerous as you can lose your entire business overnight, due to a simple algorithm change.
  • Don´t have all your eggs in one basket.
  • Creating multiple income streams, is the best thing to do. Then if one is performing badly it’s not the end of the world because you can survive with the others.
  • It´s even better, if you can setup passive income. This means you only do the work once but receive income repeatedly. For example, you can receive passive income from writing a book by getting royalties every time someone buys it.

Step 4 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Join a Community

  • If you can´t physically surround yourself with like minded people then find them online. Being part of a community can provide motivation, advice and support. It may also spark some inspiration for a new way to make money.
  • You could start by searching for chatrooms dedicated to nomads and travellers or by following other digital nomads, who have achieved the same goals you’re setting out to achieve. Successful digital nomads often have newsletters or Facebook group.

Step 5 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Plan and Budget

  • Without a budget, money can easily disappear.
  • Budgeting helps you to clearly define where you do and don´t want to spend your money. Calculating how much money you need for food, accommodation, transport and insurance provides you with financial goals and targets.
  • If you have no idea what things costs, how can you know if being a digital nomad is even possible for you?
  • The Balance, offers a great “How to” for planning a digital nomad budget.

Step 6 to Becoming a Digital Nomad – Insurance

  • Getting sick in a foreign country, your van breaking down or your laptop being stolen are all major negative life changing moments. Being prepared for them with health, travel and personal property insurance is a no brainer.
  • Find the best deals, be insured and know who to contact in case of an emergency.

Step 7 Use the right resources

  • Stack with the right website that every Digital nomad will need.
  • -Trixo is website that will make you a fake flight whenever you need if you don’t want to spend on ticket before getting the visa.
  • Airbnb – Website to get apartments
  • Sky – Scanner make you able to find tons of flights fo cheap price.



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