7 Tricks to Save Money on Accommodations When Traveling

7 Tricks to Save Money on Accommodations When Traveling

Traveling has become a part of people’s life goals more and more and it looks like it’s there to stay. Of course, this is no surprise given how exhilarating it is to start traveling. You get to see new sights, experience other people’s traditions, and try out new activities you wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s definitely an eye-opening experience for a lot of people.

With that said, though, traveling is definitely a privilege. It can rack up quite a bit from your budget, especially if you’re not careful about your accommodation budget.

Whether you’re a frequent traveler or are new to traveling, then you can benefit from lowering the costs you accrue from booking your accommodations. How? Well, there are several ways on how you can do that.

Check out these seven tricks below that will help you.

Check comparison websites

First things first, you shouldn’t stick to the first Google search result that pops up. It’s likely going to be an ad, and it doesn’t guarantee low prices for you. Therefore, you should rely on websites that scour through the internet and compare and contrast the prices of accommodations for you and present you with your options.

For example, if you’re looking for hotel rooms to stay in, then you can look up hotel price comparison sites that will go over hotel rooms in the area and show you the hotel room that, for the same features, will cost you the least for a night.

Consider accommodation alternatives

If you find yourself squinting at the expensive costs of one night in a hotel room, then you might want to try out other cheaper accommodation alternatives. You don’t have to spend too much money on your hotel room if you’re not going to be staying there most of the time of your trip anyway, so might as well get a cheaper option.

Try looking for hostels and family-run bed and breakfast places in the area. These are going to be much more affordable. Speaking of bed and breakfast, you can also choose to book at an Airbnb instead. They have a wide range of rentals for travelers that you can enjoy quite a bit, and it’s a much more intimate view of local culture too.

Another option is, if you’re a big group, to book an entire apartment or home. It will cost you a lot less than booking hotel rooms for each smaller group with you. Finally, if you are travelling for several weeks or more, consider shipping a vehicle to your initial destination as renting a car longer term can be very expensive. 

Choose your dates wisely

There are peak seasons with any accommodation, so you might want to avoid traveling during those times. Otherwise, you’re going to see prices spike up more than their usual rates. Aside from that, you’re going to lose out on certain bookings. There’s going to be a lot more competition to stay in these accommodations during the peak season.

Book accommodation ahead of time

As mentioned before, during peak season, you might not be able to find accommodations because people might book a place faster than you would. With that said, if you really want to book a place during its peak season, then you have to make sure that you book ahead of time. The same can be said even if it’s not peak season.

This will ensure that you get the lowest price. Plus, you can cancel with less hassle if you do it way before your reservation.

Consider the location

According to Maid Sailors Short Term Rental Cleaning Service, considering the location of your lodging is important when it comes to the rental price per night. If it’s in the middle of the city proper, then it’s likely going to be a lot more expensive.

If it’s right by scenic spots, then it’s also going to spike up the nightly rates by quite a bit. Therefore, if the view or location isn’t really that important to you, then consider moving away from typical locations. Settle for the outskirts of these popular areas instead.

Search promo codes online

Look up promo codes available online before you book anything so that you get discounts. It would be a shame to find these later once you’ve already booked, so do the promo code research right before you check out.

Become a member of a loyalty program

If you’re a frequent traveler, then getting into the loyalty program of popular hotel chains may be worth your while. They can offer a lot of perks and great discounts to their members, so if you find yourself to be a frequent flyer, then these are worth your time.

Otherwise, it might not be a good idea.

Wrap Up

Traveling can be costly, but you can reduce the dent it’s going to leave in your bank account by being frugal in certain travel choices, like your accommodations. Hopefully, the tips above gave you plenty of ideas on how to save money for your next trip. Happy travels!







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