Onboard a Superyacht

Five Essential Items to Pack Onboard a Superyacht For an Ocean Crossing

Crossing the ocean in a superyacht is a unique and thrilling experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation. From safety equipment to personal items, there are several essential items that every superyacht owner or charter guest should pack before embarking on an ocean crossing. In this blog post, we’ll highlight five essential items to pack onboard a superyacht for an ocean crossing.

Safety Equipment

Safety is a crucial aspect that must be prioritized when planning for an ocean crossing. Even though superyachts are equipped with safety gear, it’s necessary to ensure that everything is in proper working order and up-to-date before embarking on a voyage. Some of the essential safety gear that should be packed onboard include life jackets, life rafts, flares, an EPIRB (emergency position-indicating radio beacon), a first aid kit, and fire extinguishers. The crew must be properly trained to utilise this equipment, and everyone on board must be familiar with how to use it in an emergency. By doing this, you can make sure that everyone on board travels safely.

Navigation Tools

Accurate navigation is crucial during an ocean crossing, and having reliable navigation tools onboard can make a significant difference in the safety and success of the journey. Modern navigational tools like GPS, electronic charts, and radar, which may provide real-time information on the yacht’s positioning and surroundings, should be installed on a superyacht. A useful tool to have is AIS, which may be used to locate other ships and prevent collisions. However, it’s essential to have backup navigation tools, such as paper charts and a compass, in case of any technical issues or power failures. By having these essential navigation tools, you can ensure a safe and successful ocean crossing.

Clothing and Personal Items

In addition to safety and navigation gear, packing appropriate clothing and personal items is essential for an ocean crossing. Weather conditions can suddenly change while at sea, so it’s crucial to be ready for anything. Clothes that are suitable for warm and cool temperatures should be packed, along with waterproof and windproof gear to protect against any unexpected storms or rough seas. Personal items such as toiletries, medications, and any necessary medical equipment should also be included, as access to medical assistance may be limited at sea. It’s important to plan and pack for any possible scenarios that may arise during an ocean crossing to ensure a comfortable and safe journey.


During an ocean crossing, it’s important to keep yourself occupied to pass the time. Hence, entertainment items should be included in your packing list. Books, magazines, and board games are great options to pass the time while disconnected from electronic devices. However, electronic devices such as tablets, laptops, or e-readers with pre-downloaded music, movies, or TV shows can be a good way to relax after a long day at sea. Additionally, podcasts or audiobooks can provide mental stimulation and entertainment while performing tasks or watch duty at night. Finally, you might want to bring a deck of cards or other little games that you can play with the other members of the crew.

Food and Beverages

Even with a professional chef on board, it’s wise to pack non-perishable snacks and drinks for unexpected delays or emergencies. Dried fruits, nuts, energy bars, and canned goods are great options that have a long shelf life. When packing drinks, consider items like tea bags or instant coffee for a warm beverage. A reusable water bottle is a smart idea since it prevents waste and keeps you hydrated while travelling. Lastly, pack any specific dietary needs or preferences to ensure that everyone on board has enough food and drink options.

Make sure that the relevant paperwork and documentation are in order before starting an ocean journey on a superyacht. This includes making sure that you have a current passport and the necessary visas for the nations you will be travelling to. In addition, the yacht documentation, including insurance and permits, should be up to date and in order. In order to discuss any special requirements or preferences and to make sure that everyone is on the same page on safety measures, emergency protocols, and other crucial information, it is also crucial to talk with the captain and crew. A pleasant and comfortable trip across the ocean can be ensured by taking the time to plan and prepare thoroughly.

Final Thoughts

Packing for an ocean crossing on a superyacht is a crucial step that requires careful consideration and planning. Essential items such as safety equipment, navigation tools, clothing and personal items, entertainment, and food and beverages should be packed onboard. Ensuring that all necessary items are packed and all necessary paperwork is in order can help you enjoy a safe and memorable journey across the ocean. So, to ensure a simple and hassle-free encounter, always be prepared.



