road trip and have a couple kids

A Sleeping Device That Helps Kids Keep to Themselves on Road Trips

Families with multiple kids in the backseat of a car understand how difficult it can be to get them to rest and keep to themselves. This company is trying to help.

A Sleeping Device That Helps Kids Keep to Themselves on Road Trips
A Sleeping Device That Helps Kids Keep to Themselves on Road Trips

When you take a long road trip with the family, and you are a family with 3 or 4 kids, there are often fights over who gets the window seat or who gets to use the arms rest, or who gets the front seat with more leg room, or who gets the seat that declines…. You get the picture… it can be a mess… Hahah here is a great example of this if you forget what kids in the backseat look like..


Not going to say this hybrid neck pillow/hoodie solves all the issues above, but it definitely helps ease the chaos that a road trip with kiddos can be. More sleep = more peaceful road trips


This hoodie device, called a Sloodie i.e “Sleep Hoodie” is kind of an all-in-one cozy pillow/blanket. It is a hoodie without sleeves, instead it has arm/elbow slings on either side that hold your arms across the front of your belly. Towards your body and away from others sitting beside you. Pretty awesome hoodie hugging comfort. They have a Youth size to help families out!

“This way while your kids or grandkids are sleeping in the back seats, they don’t have to worry about fighting for space or fighting for the arm rests. It’s all taken care of with this travel sleep device that allows them to keep more to themselves.”  – Betsy

kids or grandkids are sleeping in the back seats
kids or grandkids are sleeping in the back seats

They can still easily reach out the top of the Sloodie to put in earbuds or to adjust the cushions around their neck, or to eat something, it isn’t like they are stuck in it, it just helps to provide a gentle cradle for their arms.

This company SKY-HAVEN Travel offers a Youth/Small size on purpose, because they must have known this was going to be big for families with kids. The Youth size is a smaller hoodie with smaller more light-weight cushions at the neck because kids don’t need quite as large neck cushions as adults do.

Plus kids in elementary and middle school already wear hoodies, so they don’t mind pulling something over their heads and getting their arms into the innovative elbow slings. In fact, it’s easy for them after just one try.

This company also discounts the Youth size from the Adult Standard price. Allowing one large family to easily get a bundle of them for their next road trip.

road trip
road trip

They also have nice breathable black mesh throw bags available, and the entire bundle is machine washable on gentle per SKY-HAVEN’s website.

If you love to road trip and have a couple kids, even highschoolers, it’s worth a try out because a quiet and peaceful backseat makes all the difference.

road trip and have a couple kids
road trip and have a couple kids



